Dear brothers & sisters in Christ,
We hope you all are very blessed this Friday!
Attached is this weekend's Bulletin and here are some announcements (A whole lot happening this month and coming up!)
WEEKEND ANNOUNCEMENTS for: February 1st – 2nd
- Anointing of the Sick—Fr. James will be offering the Sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick after morning Mass tomorrow, Saturday, February 1st.
- COFFEE & DONUTS! Our Knights of Columbus are serving donuts & coffee after the 8 & 10:30 Masses this Sunday, February 2nd. They will be served outside at the front of the church, weather permitting. Otherwise, we will be back in the Parish Hall.
- 3rd Annual Crab Feed—The Knights will hold their 3rd Annual Mel Ormonde Memorial Crab Feed on Saturday, March 1st, from 5:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. Advance tickets will be available for purchase after Masses beginning February 8th & 9th. More details are in this weekend’s bulletin.
- 2nd Collection next weekend– Bishop Danny has asked each parish to take up a second collection for financial relief to the L.A. Wildfire Disaster. These monies will be sent to the Archdiocese of L.A. to support all those impacted by the fires. Checks can be made out to St. Paul the Apostle Church.
There is also a pop-up link on St. Paul’s website where you can make a donation in support of the Wildfire Victims.
- Annual Ministry Appeal—Parishioners will be receiving a letter next week from Bishop Danny with a brochure and return envelope for the Diocese of Monterey’s Annual Ministry Appeal. We will also be making brochures and envelopes available in the pews. The theme this year is Opening the Door to Christ.
AMA supports the Diocese’s ministries, including Seminarians, Faith Formation, Youth and Young Adult Ministry, Social Justice and more. These ministries help develop fulfilling, enduring Catholic communities throughout our Diocese. By our support we can continue to help build a vibrant and hope-filled future for our parishioners.