Good afternoon brothers and sisters in Christ!
Attached is this weekend's Bulletin and Information on a Job opportunity at St. Anne's Byzantine Catholic Church in SLO.
Below are the announcements:
WEEKEND ANNOUNCEMENTS for: Jan. 18th – 19th
- We are taking up a Second Collection this morning/evening for our Monthly Parish Maintenance Fund. The recent cost of soundproofing both Confessionals was $ 976.18.
- Job Opening for Parish Secretary at St Anne’s: St. Anne Byzantine Catholic Church in San Luis Obispo is asking you to prayerfully consider whether you, or another person, might be interested in a part time position as parish secretary. The position is currently 10 hours per week. There are job description sheets with Fr. Michael’s contact information located on the shelf in the Vestibule.
- Our Diocese is featuring a Serra Ministry Conference entitled, “Here I Am Lord” from March 14 – 15, 2025 at Sacred Heart School in Salinas. There will be featured speakers and music. We have flyers posted on the outside of the church and available in one of the Bulletin holders in the vestibule.
- The Parish Office will be closed this Monday, January 20th in observance of Martin Luther King, Jr. Day.
- Calendars are available in the Vestibule.